the most important abrasive grains -- Corundum

Basic Introduction of Corundum

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When we talk about abrasive product , Corundum is an ever topic, no matter for boned abrasive or coated abrasive,  it place an most importance role of the industry and is a key factor to make impact on quality and price of an abrasive product.

Corundum –the said name comes from India, α type Al2O3 crystal is called Corundum,  often display different colour due to different content of impurity. It normally shows bluish an yellowish gray, with glass or adamantine luster, which hardness is lower than diamond and silicon carbide,  is a best choice of material for high temperature resistant.

Most  Corundum used for industrial production is synthetic,  it is usually be divided in to white corundum (WA), corundum (A) and other types due to different  processing technology and element it doped.

For boned abrasive product, such as cutting discs, grinding discs, and flap discs, they were made from different type of corundum to meet different cutting and grinding application. For example, white corundum is usually to be used for cutting and grinding wheels for stainless steel , INOX and some other non-ferrous metallic work pieces, while corundum is usually to be used for making cutting wheels and grinding wheels for general purpose such as steel, meal and some other ferrous metal use.

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